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A l'islandaise, Björk...

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A l'islandaise, Björk... Empty A l'islandaise, Björk...

Message  Kashima Lun 19 Jan 2009 - 19:43


Nombre de messages : 6546
Date d'inscription : 29/09/2008

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A l'islandaise, Björk... Empty Voltaic

Message  Kashima Dim 13 Déc 2009 - 17:49

Voltaic, le live de Volta... Planant...

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Nombre de messages : 6546
Date d'inscription : 29/09/2008

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A l'islandaise, Björk... Empty Biophilia

Message  Kashima Jeu 25 Aoû 2011 - 8:21

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Le nouvel album de Björk s'appelle Biophilia, c'est d'ailleurs plus un projet qu'un simple disque :

"Biophilia est un ensemble d’éléments interactifs et visuels que vous retrouverez à travers des applications pour smartphones et tablettes, mais aussi lors d’une longue tournée/spectacle qui devrait débuter l’année prochaine." Le Journal du Geek

Un extrait (suivi des paroles), Virus :

Like a virus needs a body
And soft tissue feeds on blood
Someday i’ll find you
The urge is here

Like a mushroom on a tree trunk
As a protein transmutates
I knock on your skin
And i need in

The perfect match, you and me
I enter, contagious
You open up, saying welcome

Like a flame that seeks explosives
As gun powder needs a war
I feast inside you
.... ? you

The perfect match, you and I
You fail to resist
My crystalline charm

Like a virus, patient hunter
I’m waiting for you
I’m starving for you

My sweet adversary
My sweet adversary
My sweet adversary

Autre aperçu, Crystalline :

Underneath our feet
Crystals grow like plants
(listen how they grow)
I'm blinded by the lights
(listen how they grow)
In the core of the earth
(listen how they grow)

Internal nebula
Rocks growing slow mo
I conquer claustrophobia
And demand the light

We mimic the openness
Of the ones we love
Dovetail our generosity
Equalize the flow
With our hearts
We kiss all quartz
To reach love

Internal nebula
Rocks growing slow mo
I conquer claustrophobia
And demand the light

Octagon, polygon
Pipes up an organ
Sonic branches
Murmuring drone
Crystallizing galaxies
Spread out like my fingers

Internal nebula
Rocks growing slow mo
I conquer claustrophobia
And demand the light

Internal nebula
Rocks growing slow mo
I conquer claustrophobia
And demand the light

It's the sparkle you become
Conquer anxiety
Sparkle you become
Conquer anxiety

Sparkle you become
When you conquer anxiety
It's the sparkle you become
When you conquer anxiety

Sortie le 26 septembre

Nombre de messages : 6546
Date d'inscription : 29/09/2008

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A l'islandaise, Björk... Empty Cosmogony

Message  Kashima Jeu 25 Aoû 2011 - 8:36

DivShare File - Björk_-_Cosmogony.mp3

Heaven, heaven's bodies
Whirl around me, make me wonder
And they say back then our universe was an empty sea
Until a silver fox and her cunning mate
began to sing a song that became the world we know

Heaven, heaven's bodies
Whirl around me make me wonder
They say back then our universe was a coal black egg
Until the god inside burst out and from its shattered shell
He made what became the world we know

Heaven, heaven's bodies
Whirl around me make me wonder
And they say back then our universe was an endless land
Until our ancestors woke up and before they went back to sleep
They carved it all into the world we know

Heaven, heaven's bodies
World around me make me wonder
And they say back then our universe wasn't even there
Until a sudden bang and then there was light, was sound, was matter
And it all became the world we know

Heaven, heaven's bodies
Whirl around me
dance eternal

Nombre de messages : 6546
Date d'inscription : 29/09/2008

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A l'islandaise, Björk... Empty Re: A l'islandaise, Björk...

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